grafico grafico

Botanical Garden



Inauguration : 1984
Contacts: Unione Comuni Garfagnana
Telephone: +39 0583 644941; +39 328 807 6600
Address: Mountain communities of Garfagnana, Via V. Emanuele 7 Castelnuovo Garfagnana (mail address)
District/Location: Villa Collemandina
District: Garfagnana
Opened in 1984 thanks to the Mountain Community of Garfagnana, the "Pania di Corfino" botanical garden contains the most characteristic species of plants from the Orecchiella Natural Park. The garden is in a glade of the beech-wood on the southern side of Mount Pania di Corfino, at 1370 metres a.s.l. in the Orecchiella Natural Park. Among the species that are grown and gathered we find rare plants in danger of extinction as well as the spontaneous flora of this part of the Apennine used as medicinal herbs and as food by the population of Upper Garfagnana. Not only does a visit to the botanical garden permit the observation of numerous species of plants, but it also represents a short naturalistic expedition through a representative selection of reconstructed natural habitats of Lucca's high Apennine region such as heaths, cliffs, screes, peat bogs, pastures and woodland.
Via V. Emanuele 7, Castelnuovo Garfagnana
Protection and conservation of the native flora in Lucca's high Apennine region.
The place, known as Piè Magnano, can be easily reached on foot from the Visitors Centre of the Orecchiella Park with a short walk of about 2 km through a beech wood. The botanical garden gives visitors as well as scientists and specialists the chance to observe, study and compare the plants that are kept there; its aim is also to protect and collect information about the Apennine flora in the region of Lucca. In the phenological garden, one of three present in Italy, observations on the different growth of identical plants placed in different contexts all over Europe are carried out: Prof. Stefani of the Scuola Normale in Pisa is the scientific director of this project. Within the garden, the "Hortus Sanitatis" is a collection of specimens of medicinal plants used today and in the past by the population of Garfagnana. The "Xiloteca", instead, is a collection of woods from native trees. Besides, the garden is equipped with a scientific laboratory and a meteorological station that analyses rain water for the A.S.L., the Ministry of Environment and the provincial Arpat.
  • BARTELETTI A., L'orto botanico Pania di Corfino, in I giardini botanici dell'Appennino, Atti del Convegno, Abetone 6-7 luglio 1990.
  • BARTELETTI A., L'orto botanico Pania di Corfino, in Gli Orti Botanici d´interesse locale per la conoscenza e l´uso del territorio, Atti del Convegno 1991, Comunità Montana Garfagnana.
  • AA.VV., Guida agli Orti Botanici della Toscana. Gli otto migliori Orti della Toscana, Regione Toscana, Istituto e Museo della Scienza.
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