In the Middle Ages the isolated church of San Piero in Campo had jurisdiction over a wide portion of territory; around it the core of a village, destroyed in the XIV
th century, gradually developed. The bell tower is today the oldest part of the whole complex and from a comparison with other Lucchese buildings, such as San Martino in Ducentola of Capannori and San Giovanni e Santa Reparata of Lucca, can be dated to the Early Middle Ages. The present day church, virtually untouched since the XIV
tn century, has three
aisles and a single
apse. The façade is crowned by a series of
blind arches and a small loggia placed above the mouldings. In Modern times only few changes were made: among these, the raising of the bell tower with bricks covered by plaster, today in poor condition. Finally, the XVI
th century font inside the church is remarkable. The parish church of San Piero in Campo is mentioned for the first time in 846.