grafico grafico

Monument to the Fallen of Gorfigliano



Recommended season: all the season
Opening hours: always opened
Entrance: free
Municipality: Common of Minucciano
Location: Gorfigliano
Address: Badarello Square, Gorfigliano - 55034
District/Location: Minucciano
District: Garfagnana
The monument dedicated to the Fallen of both wars, is composed of a fountain whose sides there are two commemorative tombstones with the names of the Fallen of the first and second war. The monumental wall is made of three sections: a central part and two lateral. The central one, higher than the other two, has a mixtilinear basin, on it you can see a smaller basin. On the smaller basin there is a leonine protome and the commemorative writing “Gorfigliano ai suoi Caduti”. In the central part of the wall, next to the inscription, you can see Fascist sword with eagle and, on the top, two bronze helmets. In the two lateral walls, lower and without any ornaments and symbols, we can read the names of the Fallen. Near the monument, it has been located also a marble cube which has the function of standard-bearer.
Piazza Badarello, Gorfigliano - 55034
On the right wall
Casotti Michele
Barbieri Giuseppe
Romei Ambrogio
Romei Giuseppe
Casotti Pietro
Canini Egidio
Raffagnagi Domenico
Casotti Eufemio
Casotti Nicola
Tucci Luigi
Romei Agostino
Orsi Domenico
Torre Adolfo
Tucci Giovanni
Casotti Pietro
Casotti Attilio
Romei Pietro
Tucci Giuseppe
Tognoli Giovanni
Romei Raffaello
Casotti Angelo
Urbani Erminio
Romei Pietro
Canini Dino
Orsi Valerio
Casotti Ugo
Pancetti Matteo
Tucci Tuglio
Brugiati Giuseppe
Romei Paolo

In the middle wall
to his fallen
Sulla parete di sinistra:
Pancetti Ugo
Tognoli Dante
Paladini Edoardo
Romei Michele
Paladini Augusto
Romei Antonio
Paladino Nello
Berti Valerio
Paladini Eugenio 
Tucci Bruno
Paladini Giuseppe
Orsi Divo
Casotti Pietro
Orsi Oreste
Casotti Bruno
Barbieri Michele
Casotti Giulio
Lusenti Duilio
Spinetti Pietro
Casotti Giovanni
Iacopi Giovanni
Casotti Guido
Translation: The names on the tombstone include not only Disperse but also Fallen and dead from diseases or injuries contracted in war, as witnessed by Amilcare Paladini.
Realized on 1921, the monument has been enlarged on 1960, when the names of the Fallen and Missing of the second war have been added.
Village Committee
The author is Giuseppe Napolitano.
In the thirties, next to the fountain, it was made a Memorial Park, which today does not exist. It is interesting to say that the monument has been restored twice: the first time in 1960, when it has been enlarged and the names of the fallen of the second war have been added and then the second time, in 1995 in order to clean it of dust and signs of time. This second action has been made by Leo Sarteschi and Giancarlo Casotti.
  • Archivio Ancr Lucca, protocollo n° 3462 del 23/8/1960.
  • Archivio Ancr Lucca, lettera scritta dal presidente della sezione di Gorfigliano alla ANCR di Lucca, 20 settembre 1960.
  • Archivio Ancr Lucca, lettera che il vice presidente ANCR Dr Gino del Carlo invia al sindaco di Minacciano, prot. n° 5033/63, 23 novembre 1963.
  • Archivio Comune di Minucciano, lettera prot. 4809, 9 agosto 2004.
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