grafico grafico

Plaque commemorating Cesare Battisti and Guglielmo Oberdan



Municipality: Common of Lucca
Opening hours: always opened
Recommended season: all the season
Location: Lucca
Address: Piazza dei Mercanti, Lucca.
District/Location: Lucca
District: Piana di Lucca
This is a marble plaque with two bronze medallions with portraits of Cesare Battisti and Guglielmo Oberdan, above a rectangular commemorative epigraph. The plaque is on the facade of a private house overlooking the central piazza dei Mercanti that faces via Fillungo. It was commissioned by Tito Strocchi society, founded by veterans of Garibaldi's battles for Italian unity. Archival sources would suggest it was inaugurated in the first half of 1919.
Piazza dei Mercanti, Lucca
Guglielmo Oberdan e Cesare Battisti
perché una la fede uno fu il martirio
una stessa morta legge li uccise
una stessa legge di libertà e di amore eterni li vivifica
Austria non muta Italia ricordi;
promotore il circolo
Tito Strocchi Lucca
Translation: Guglielmo Oberdan and Cesare Battisti because one was the faith one the martyrdom one dead law killed them one law of freedom and eternal love revives them Austria does not change Italy shall remember; promoted by Tito Strocchi society Lucca
Circolo "Tito Strocchi" of Lucca
  • Deliberation of the Town Council, 1919.
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