grafico grafico

Plaque commemorating the brethren of the Misericordia of Lucca who died in war



Municipality: Common of Lucca
Entrance: free
Opening hours: always opened
Contacts: Mercy of Lucca
Location: Lucca
Address: Lucca, interno della sede della Misericordia, via C. Battisti
District/Location: Lucca
District: Piana di Lucca
The plaque, still found in the present day premises of the Misericordia of Lucca, consists of a white marble plaque with epigraph and frame. This is one of the first plaques to be erected in the town, inaugurated 10th February 1919, just after the end of the war. The work was commissioned by the Misericordia, an organisation of great importance in Catholic Lucca, that also oversaw the transport of soldiers' corpses from the front, under the guidance of Count Cesare Sardi.
via C. Battisti Lucca
Nell'ultima guerra di redenzione d'Italia
immolarono la loro vita alla patria i confrati
(seguono nomi)
I loro nomi volle perpetuati nel marmo il consiglio della Misericordia il di 10 febbraio 1919 essendo proposto il conte cav. Cesare Sardi

Translation: In the last war of redemption of Italy these brothers sacrificed their lives for their country (names) Misericordia's council wanted to make their names eternal in marble on 10 February 1919 under the lead of count sir Cesare Sardi
10th February 1919
Mercy of Lucca
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