grafico grafico

Plaque commemorating students from the Technical Institute



Municipality: Common of Lucca
Telephone: 0583 955178
Recommended season: Autumn, Spring, Winter
Contacts: Francesco Carrara Technical Institute
Location: Lucca
Address: Via Marconi, 69 - 55100 - Lucca
District: Piana di Lucca
This is a large marble stone on the side of the Technical Institute's entrance. It features a large frieze in bas-relief depicting a winged Victory in the act of placing a laurel crown on a nude dying soldier. Below this relief, is the epigraph, listing the names of the victims.
Via Marconi, 69 - 55100 - Lucca
L'Istituto Tecnico
agli alunni
caduti per la patria
(elenco nomi)

Translation: Technical Institute to the students who died for their country 1915-1918
27th November 1922
Technical Institute "Francesco Carrara" of Lucca
Maria Antonietta, Pogliani Paoli
Inaugurated 27th November 1922 at the Institute's original premises (palazzo Buonvisi); and then transferred to the foyer of the present address following the school's relocation.
  • RICCI GIACOMO, ROVAI DAVID, Technical Institute "Francesco Carrara" 1896-1996. One hundred years of life, Lucca, Pacini Fazzi, 1996.

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