grafico grafico

Commemorative plaque to war victims from the district of Pelleria



Municipality: Common of Lucca
Recommended season: all the season
Opening hours: always opened
Entrance: free
Address: via S. Tommaso
District/Location: Lucca
District: Piana di Lucca
This is a rectangular marble plaque with a central bronze bas-relief, a dedicatory epigraph and a bronze votive lamp at its base. The work is situated on the side facade of the Church of S. Tommaso in Pelleria, in one of the town's most working-class districts. The plaque, inaugurated with grand ceremony on 21st June 1925, was intended to demonstrate the "re-conquest" of the town's proletarian places by the Fascists.
via S. Tommaso, lucca
Unanime decreto del popolo di S. Tommaso in Pelleria
volle qui eternati nel marmo i nomi dei parrocchiani
valorosamente caduti nella Grande Guerra
affinche' a questo altare di riconoscenza
traggano le nuove generazioni
per ispirarsi all'esempio sublime del sacrificio
asupice il Comitato Rionale
e i Cav. di Vittorio Veneto
Translation: (names) The unanimous decision of the people of S. Tommaso in Pelleria wanted here made eternal in marble the names of the parishioners valiantly fallen in the Great War 1915 - 1918 so that to this thankful altar the new generations may refer to be inspired by the sublime example of sacrifice 21 June 1925 by wish of the district committee and Vittorio Veneto knights
21st June 1925
Scapecchi, G.
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