grafico grafico

War Memorial of Torre



Municipality: Common of Lucca
Recommended season: all the season
Opening hours: always opened
Entrance: free
Location: Torre
Address: Via Torre 96, Torre, Lucca
District/Location: Lucca
District: Piana di Lucca
The monument is situated on the flight of steps of the local church, creating a suggestive architectural composition. It has a large square base in the form of three marble steps, on which there is a four-sided vertical element, topped by a bronze sculpture. The epigraph is placed in the front of the vertical plinth, while on the front of the base there is another stone plaque which added later.
The monument was inaugurated 26th September 1926. Its creation was entrusted to the well known sculptor Giuseppe Baccelli, famous above all in the Lucca area for his extensive experience in the field of war monuments and other sculptural works.
The epigraph - as blatantly confirmed by the adding of two fasces - bears the signs of the strong fascist propaganda's arguing against the "deniers of the Motherland", and the evident function of this monument in supporting this vision. At the base, after World War Two, a plaque dedicated to the fallen in that war was added.
Via Torre 96, Torre, Lucca
volle questo segno alzato
per la sua riconoscenza
al sacrifizio dei figli
i morti per la patria
sono eternamente vivi
maldicenti ai rinnegatori
benedicenti ai fratelli rinati
nella virtu' delle opere
1915 – 1918
Con questa lapide il paese di Torre ricorda
i suoi giovani figli vittime del dovere
(seguono nomi)
Translation: Torre wanted this sign erected for its thankfulness to the sacrifice of its sons - the dead for the nation live forever bad words for the disowners blessings for the brothers born again in the virtue of their deeds 1915 - 1918; with this plaque the town of Torre remembers its young sons victims of the duty (names)
26th September 1926
Pro-monument local committee
Baccelli, Giuseppe
  • Historical Archive of the City of Lucca, general protocol, category 1, 10, 3 "monuments and commemorative plaques", year 1928.
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